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Ready to Maximize Asset Performance for Industrial Manufacturers

Whatever you’re manufacturing, maximizing the performance of your assets is critical to your success.

Aptean EAM is ready to increase efficiency and asset reliability in your production process.

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Optimize Your

Asset Performance

Engineer in hard hat adjusting machine settings in factory

The Importance of Proactive Asset Management

The success of your business hinges on the performance of your operation. On your ability to manufacture the products your customers need in an efficient and profitable way.

This means avoiding unnecessary downtime. It means optimizing maintenance processes. It means boosting asset reliability. And it means addressing issues proactively, rather than simply reacting after the fact.

To achieve this—you need both visibility and control.

That’s where an enterprise asset management (EAM) system comes in—empowering you to optimize asset performance, increase reliability and control costs in your manufacturing business.

Two women talking in clean manufacturing plant

Aptean EAM: Positioning You for Success

With its intuitive user interface that easily adapts to your needs, our enterprise asset management system delivers:

  • Maximized asset performance

  • Reduced maintenance costs

  • Improved operational efficiency

  • Lower total cost of ownership

  • Increased visibility of maintenance processes

  • Streamlined control of your maintenance, repair and operating supply (MRO inventory)

Whether you’re a smaller, single-site operation or a large, multi-site organization, you can rely on Aptean EAM to take the hassle out of your asset management. Are you ready?

Success with Aptean EAM

Anderson Dahlen streamlines maintenance costs with Aptean EAM

Anderson Dahlen relied on costly out-sourced contractors for maintenance services and struggled with managing their maintenance requests which affected their productivity. After adopting Aptean EAM, Anderson Dahlen were able to centralize their maintenance services management and determine a need for dedicated engineers through the solution's overview of maintenance performance.

“Aptean EAM is giving us visibility into our maintenance operations, which saves time and provides the data we need to implement changes. It helps us to focus on the right things.” Adam Hervey, Head of Maintenance, Anderson Dahlen

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Two factory workers working in hard hats.


EAM Solutions

Ready for advanced EAM systems designed to master your unique business challenges?
Aptean EAM
With our specialized EAM solution for manufacturing businesses it’s easy to maximize the performance of your assets and control maintenance costs.

Ready to start transforming your business?

We’ve got the specialized EAM solutions you need to conquer your industry challenges.
