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Ready for Integrated EDI Software

Tired of errors from manual data entry? Want to reduce chargebacks? Ready for efficient data interchange?

Enter Aptean. Aptean Apparel ERP’s integrated EDI software is your solution. Discover how, now.

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Eliminate Complexity With a Single Partner

Benefits of Built-In EDI for Aptean Apparel ERP

Combining our deep knowledge in fashion and apparel industry and proven expertise in our electronic data interchange (EDI) solution, we bring you Aptean Apparel ERP with built-in EDI, streamlining and automating your data transfers.

Discover these benefits out of the box:

  • Improved order accuracy

  • Reduced order processing times

  • Increased global supply chain visibility

  • Enhanced operational efficiency

  • No external translator required

Reduced Errors and Chargebacks with Aptean Apparel ERP’s EDI Solution

With EDI, brands and manufacturing companies benefit from timely, mission critical information about production, inventory, warehouse logistics and retail, while reducing manual data entry. Reduce chargebacks by immediately taking actions on transaction problems notified by error messages from EDI.

Our EDI solution enhances information exchange between brands and their suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, third-party manufacturers (3PM) and third-party logistics providers (3PL). It allows you to communicate securely and easily from system to system electronically instead of using paper, keeping every aspect of the global supply chain operations visible. EDI in supply chain management will keep you connected to your global supply chain partners effectively and accurately.

Electronic Data Interchange, Simplified

Unsurpassed visibility into the status of your production operations, inventory, logistics and order processing is enabled through Aptean Apparel ERP’s EDI solution which allows for seamless flow of critical information throughout your fashion supply chain.

EDI in supply chain management can streamline and expedite your communication with global affiliates and keep production and order fulfillment moving swiftly.

Our EDI software provides the information you need to ensure retail compliance and to deliver better, more informed customer service that strengthens long-term business relationships.

In addition to our EDI solution, Aptean Apparel ERP provides consistent data handling across multiple channels.

Ready for an ERP with built-in end-to-end electronic data interchange software?

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Other capabilities of our fashion and apparel software that you’ll love

We know your industry inside out. Which is why we’ve designed the fashion and apparel software with the capabilities to solve your specific challenges —ensuring you’re Ready for What’s Next, Now®.

Forecasting and Demand Planning

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Forecasting and Demand Planning

The challenge

On top of supply chain issues, without real-time data, you aren’t able to accurately forecast and plan for demand which has an effect on your entire inventory management.

The solution

Optimize purchasing decisions and accurately forecast with automated tracking so you can stay ahead of inventory issues and get product out the door quicker.

See more on forecasting and demand planning

Material Requirements Planning

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Material Requirements Planning

The challenge

Poor material requirements planning can lead to production delays, inventory stockouts, order backlog and ultimately a negative effect on your profits.

The solution

With our MRP tools you can get visibility into the entire manufacturing process and improve efficiencies – resulting in lower costs, on-time delivery and higher profits.

See more on material requirements planning

Inventory and Warehouse Management

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Inventory and Warehouse Management

The challenge

In omnichannel business environment, complex fulfillment strategies and disruptions to inventory management can lead to huge losses and affect your bottom line.

The solution

Enter Aptean. Our software solutions help you operate more efficiently across all supply chain processes with visibility, agility and control. Ultimately, saving you money.

See more on inventory and warehouse management

Vendor Management Portal

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Vendor Management Portal

The challenge

Vendor communication and management is difficult when using different systems, siloed spreadsheets and cluttered email inboxes.

The solution

Our vendor management portal brings an unparalleled level of efficiency, while allowing for seamless tracking of all of your product information in one, central location.

See more on vendor management portal

Integrated Financials

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Integrated Financials

The challenge

In today’s competitive and uncertain economic climate, successful management of a fashion and apparel business requires real-time access to accurate financial data.

The solution

Our integrated financial solution connects the key financial information of your business, resulting in simplified reporting.

See more on integrated financials

Connect your global supply chain today with EDI

If you’re ready to take your fashion and apparel business to the next level with integrated EDI, we’d love to help.

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