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Aptean Distribution ERP, SWORDS Edition - Cash and Carry Tills Software for Wholesalers

Aptean Distribution ERP, SWORDS Edition - Cash and Carry Tills Software for Wholesalers


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Aptean Distribution ERP, SWORDS Edition - Cash and Carry Tills Software for Wholesalers

10 Juin 2020

Aptean Staff Writer

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  • Improve Customer Service at the Tills With a Fast, Efficient Checkout Service
Fruit crates men

Our Cash and Carry till software helps provide a dynamic and efficient checkout service, reducing queues and improving visibility for busy Cash and Carry and trade counter operations.

Improve the speed of till processing, boost customer experience and increase checkout efficiency via one single, integrated platform. The software also enables you to manage credit limits, with automatic alerts to credit control, to protect your cash flow.

Increase Checkout Efficiency

Reduce queues by improving speed and efficiency at the tills, with touch screen capability and instant access to customer and stock information. Also Queuebuster technology can be used as mobile points of sale in the warehouse.

Fully Integrated System

Our Cash and Carry till software offers real-time reporting to other operations including alerts to credit control, enabling informed decision-making at all levels.

Complete Customer Account Details at the Till

Check customer credit limits, contract details, sales verifications of specific items such as tobacco or alcohol and promote personalised offers to increase sales.

Enhance Performance Analysis

Real-time reporting on individual tills to assess efficiency and performance.

Resilient Till Order Processing

PC tills can be configured to operate in resilient stand-alone mode. Every night the system updates each till with latest customer, product and price details, ready for trade the next day. In the event of a system failure, you can continue to trade and each resilient till will continue to process all transactions back to the main system.

Quick and Easy Order Processing

Improving the speed and efficiency of till operations ensures a better experience for the customer – and a greater chance of repeat business. Our Cash and Carry till software means orders can be processed easily by scanning a product barcode, keying the product code or entering the product description.


Cash and Carry till software helps you to provide a dynamic and efficient checkout service. Discover how Aptean Distribution ERP SWORDS Edition can help your business get ahead. Contact us today to chat with one of our experts or schedule a demo.

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