Automate Sales and Marketing with an ERP Solution
Automate Sales and Marketing with an ERP Solution
Automate Sales and Marketing with an ERP Solution
Aug 19, 2020
Aptean Staff Writer
As apparel decorating businesses go back to work or are considering plans to reopen their showrooms and production floors after “shelter in place” orders in their respective states are lifted, the COVID-19 crisis has changed the way they are viewing acceptable work environments. Allowing employees from certain departments to continue working remotely is an opportunity that many are exploring to ease back into the new normal. Print shops utilizing apparel decorating software have the benefit of automated processes that accommodate the continued maintenance of a remote workforce for the foreseeable future – specifically for sales and marketing departments.
Which Employees Can Work from Home?
In the near-term, management will need to make important business decisions regarding who will continue to work from home based on cost-benefit and logistical considerations, as well as a need to determine if these changes will be temporary or permanent. While it is impossible for production, warehouse or shipping crews to work from home, there are other teams that have the potential to effectively work remotely. Employers looking to get the best value out of their employees may find that keeping their sales and marketing teams working from home permanently can be both efficient and profitable.
How Can ERP Software Benefit Remote Workers?
Screen printing software automates sales and marketing processes by allowing open communication and transparency – providing full access to the entire business in a paperless process. The following software functionality supports off-site employees:
Sales Order Processing – Sales data import wizards of an ERP solution facilitate the process of order entry by providing real-time capabilities to enter sales transactions across multiple sites while being mobile. With the integrated features of the ERP, sales reps have the ability to update order information, check inventory levels and supplier backorders while onsite, at tradeshows or from their home office. In addition, EDI integration provides efficiencies to the sales team through the exchange of sales orders, purchase orders and invoices maintained in the ERP and electronically sent to the supply chain and customers.
eCommerce – Employing eCommerce strategies and integrating shopping carts, digital storefronts and EDI with Shop Management Software accommodates many marketplaces with the high-volume capacity to allow for automated online ordering to facilitate sales and marketing goals. A well-established web store interface allows the sales and marketing teams to drive interaction and gain new sales and reorders that automate the forward and backward flow of real-time inventory information to customers.
Customer Portal – For existing clients, sales teams are able to check the status of customer orders, view and print unpaid invoices, see the customer account summary and check on their commissions. Sales reps are also able to work with customers to request online approval for pending orders, as well as artwork. Marketing departments have the ability to view customer information to gain insight into consumer data and trends to develop marketing strategies and communications plans.
Strategically leveraging the capabilities of shop management software remotely is likely going to be part of the new normal in regards to the future of work for apparel decorating and print shops.
Aptean Impress software provides unique functionality, visibility and enhanced communication to ensure that business operations and teams continue to prosper in new work environments and conditions.
If you’re ready to learn more about the capabilities we provide to apparel decorators and embroiderers contact us to schedule your personalized software demonstration.
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