DMAIC Partnered with an MES System Boosts Continuous Improvement
DMAIC Partnered with an MES System Boosts Continuous Improvement
DMAIC Partnered with an MES System Boosts Continuous Improvement
6 Abr 2020
Joey Carabetta
Have you heard of continuous improvement (CI)? For manufacturers, this could mean the improvement of supply chain visibility, team collaboration, quicker information gathering, and more. While it may take on various meanings, for the purposes of this blog post, we will be focusing on finding ways to better improve your business processes.
Within a manufacturing execution system (MES), businesses are finding ways to continuously better their operations through the use of this software, which utilizes data-driven quality strategies, in order to improve business processes.
Define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (DMAIC) is the approach that guides data-driven quality strategies to continuous improvement success. It takes problems with unknown causes and helps to establish the root causes. When using the DMAIC approach, the project selection process is extremely important. It needs to be an existing process that has a problem, which would make a difference if fixed. It does not necessarily need to be a complex problem, but more of a “meaningful but manageable” problem.
In an MES system, this structure can take form in various aspects of the software. Let’s break down the DMAIC structure within an MES system to better explore the benefits of this digitalized tool.
When defining your business’ problems, ways for improvement, project goals, and customer requirements, an MES system puts all that data into one place. You are able to create customized campaigns-- from defining goals and tracking progress to executing those goals using real-time data and reporting. As your campaigns evolve within an MES system, you are able to measure your progress, gain visibility into all issues, and collaborate with your team.
An MES system with an integrated DMAIC approach allows for analysis of the situation to improve your processes even within the course of your campaigns. An important part of DMAIC is identifying the root cause of the problem and finding room for improvement. An MES helps you to accomplish this by showing real-time project data and reporting on progress, giving you a full picture of the issues to help expose solutions.
The software provides full visibility throughout your improvement initiatives to allow for control of an enhanced process for future performance. The system keeps your information organized, so you don’t have to keep up with the tracking of the project, quality paperwork, operations, CI, and reporting in various forms. Information you are currently tracking with spreadsheets is now replaced with an MES. The solution provides easy collaboration within your team, with easy to use assignment tools, your team can see all aspects of the project.
Aptean Factory MES has built its continuous improvement module taking the DMAIC structure specifically into account. Factory utilizes the structure to provide your business with ways for CI and growth. And our easy-to-use interface allows for easy collaboration, data access, problem-solving, and visibility across your organization.
Are you ready to see how Factory MES can boost your continuous improvement initiatives? Reach out today.
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