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Horticulture Nursery ERP Management Software Solution

Managing a plant nursery means balancing seasonal growing periods and weather conditions, plant quality, customer demand, production methods and costs.

Enter Aptean. Improve efficiencies, automate processes and deliver real-time business insights whilst ensuring consistent availability with efficient on-time distribution to keep customer satisfaction as high possible.

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Un hombre sonriendo con un tomate en la mano.

“The Growmaster solution helps us to increase our productivity by automating the processing of large sales order volumes via EDI in multiple formats, as well as streamlining labour-intensive processes such as label printing, invoicing, despatch, packaging inventory management and logistics.”

John GwynnManaging DirectorA E Roberts

Manage the day-to-day operations of a tree and plant nursery successfully and efficiently.

Over 250 leading nurseries in the UK, and beyond, use Growmaster to manage their tree and plant nursery businesses. Designed to be scalable from 1 to 20+ users, our customers span the horticulture industry from small specialist growers to the largest of wholesale nurseries.

Supporting the horticulture industry for over 15 years, our solution provides a feature rich toolset for data-driven nursery management. Growmaster is available as a subscriber service, reducing your IT overheads and providing continuous support and updates.

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Man with tablet in greenhouse inspecting plants

Complete ERP Solution Operational Features

Sheets with analytics on desk

Business Management

Tools for finance, sales and purchasing management, with KPI’s and business data analytics.

  • Accounts and financials

  • Reporting and analytics

  • Sales order processing

  • EDI management with pre-scripted processing

  • Customer relationship management (CRM)

  • Pricing and quote management

Woman walking through nursery with potted flowers

Stock & Availabilities

Manage inventories of living products and sundry materials, with an accurate view of plant availabilities.

  • Stock and inventory control

  • Purchasing

  • Supplier management

  • Plant passports and certificates

  • Integrated labelling solution

  • Web and EPOS modules

Plant sprouting from ground

Production & Planning

Production templates to manage and report source items, materials and tasks for efficient plant production. Stay on top of production and in control of your margins.

  • Production planning

  • Production costing per unit

  • Labour requirements planning

  • Shortfalls and surpluses

  • Forecast crop quantities and wastage

  • Accurate crop completion dates

  • Daily, weekly, monthly task schedules

Man in greenhouse holding tablet

Mobile Applications

Plant production is not office-based. Our integrated Android mobile application manages stock, sales and production operations.

  • Android device compatibility

  • Phone, tablet or ruggedized device

  • Fully Integrated with Growmaster

  • Real-time data capture

  • Paperless operations

Empieza a transformar tu empresa de productos frescos

Si estás listo para llevar tu negocio al siguiente nivel, nos encantaría ayudarte.

Recipiente de madera con verduras frescas de la huerta, como pimientos, tomates, pepinos y lechuga romana