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Pharmaceutical Software Challenges Are Unique

Pharmaceutical Software Challenges Are Unique


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Pharmaceutical Software Challenges Are Unique

1 Août 2019

Aptean Staff Writer
Medicine pill production

The pharmaceutical market is worth around US$980 billion per year, and continues to steadily rise. We understand these continuous changes and the regulations associated with the pharmaceutical industry, and have devised a system that will help you gain insight into your daily pharmaceutical operations without sacrificing a solid financial reporting foundation.

Industry-Standard Functionality

Pharmaceutical software can handle all of the special manufacturing, distribution, and accounting needs of the pharmaceutical industry, including:

  • Automatically prepare State control documents, such as the Pedigree Report required by some states that shows the full history of the item, by Lot number (when purchased, date and PO number, and when sold, date and invoice number).

  • Attach Certificates of Analysis (COA) to inventory Item Master Records.

  • Full production traceability by batch, item, and lot number.

  • Track authorizations and shipments by country for product sale and distribution.

  • Picking slips are bar-coded and electronically sent to the warehouse. Items selected by lot number with oldest expiration dates.

  • Special notes and comments are automatically added to identify pharmaceutical products requiring such notation during the order entry process.

  • Scan your item IDs and Lot numbers - verify that the correct item is being picked, received or transferred.

  • Prepare Bill of landings, Packing Lists, Location Transfer Journals and Reports and Detail History Reports.

  • Invoice formats required by international clients (Government Invoice Requirements) automatically prepared after invoice verification.

  • Digital Dashboards for managers provide up-to-the-minute snapshots of your business, such as projected cash flow, ratio analysis sales, profit summaries, top ten customer lists, items, sales representatives, and vendors.

Discover more by reaching out to Aptean today.

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