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5 Plays to Sustainably Grow Your Food and Beverage Company

5 Plays to Sustainably Grow Your Food and Beverage Company


Download the playbook

5 Plays to Sustainably Grow Your Food and Beverage Company

16 Sept 2022

Aptean Staff Writer
Man surrounded by plants in greenhouse looking at a tablet.

Sustainability is big business for the food industry. 85% of consumers have already started making eco-friendlier choices when they grocery shop. Meanwhile, IDC’s whitepaper on Global Food and Beverage Industry Trends and Strategic Insights 2022, commissioned by Aptean, has identified sustainable improvements as food companies’ number one goal for 2023—with 40% prioritizing sustainability.

But while food manufacturers, producers and distributors have green intentions, adopting a measurable strategy for sustainable growth isn’t always straightforward. With so many potential areas to optimize, where do you start?

To help your organization develop its strategy, Aptean has launched a Sustainable Production and Distribution Playbook for the Food Industry, available to download now.

We’ve analyzed food production from end-to-end and identified strategic sustainability plays across five key business areas:

  1. Growing and cultivation

  2. Sourcing and supply chain

  3. Manufacturing

  4. Product innovation

  5. Distribution and consumption

Enhance Sustainable Food Production, Play-By-Play

In each key business area, Aptean looked at the critical eco-challenges food companies face and how your business can tackle them. From sustainable sourcing and reducing transportation mileage through to energy-saving production methods and greener product development.

We’ve broken each play down into three levels: good, better and best. So you can find meaningful ways to make environmental improvements and enhance ethical practices, whether you’ve got an advanced sustainability strategy or you’re just getting started.

Our playbook also addresses the many ways in which operational technology can enhance food sustainability. By investing in the right software, you can prioritize eco-friendly improvements and make effective decisions.

Download Aptean’s Free Sustainable Food Production Playbook

Increasing food sustainability is a complex, multi-layered process. Especially when you’re balancing ESG targets with day-to-day operational demands. However, it can make a measurable difference to your performance: a third of U.S. food companies that participated in IDC’s survey commissioned by Aptean believe improving their sustainability credentials will give them a competitive advantage.

With Aptean’s new playbook, you can build your sustainability strategy step by step, unlocking value and reducing waste across every part of your business.

Plus, our playbook includes a free checklist, to help you track progress and communicate wins to your colleagues, shareholders and customers.

Get your free copy of Aptean’s Sustainable Production and Distribution Playbook, and you can take our short Quiz for a check-up on your current efforts in sustainability.

Sustainable Production and Distribution

Sustainable food production and distribution is easier to achieve when broken down into a play-by-play strategy. Aptean has collated key plays to help optimize your sustainability strategy.

Chariot élévateur à fourche déplaçant une caisse de fruits