Accounting Software from Aptean - General Ledger
Accounting Software from Aptean - General Ledger
Accounting Software from Aptean - General Ledger
4 Feb 2019
Aptean Staff Writerkop
- General Ledger Is the Core of Your Accounting Ledger

Keep the Books, Keep the Business Going and Keep Your Sanity With General Ledger Software
General Ledger Software is the core of your accounting ledger. With General Ledger you can decrease the amount of time you spend on arduous accounting tasks while boosting control of your company’s financials. Entries from other applications flow into General Ledger, giving you timely financial information essential to your decision making. You will stay up to date on receivables, payables, budget information and transaction history throughout your system. Maintain your journal, log recurring entries, generate audit trails, and create custom financial statements and reports for up-to-date information on company activities.
Additional General Ledger Features:
Print or export financial statements, or view them on-the-fly through our interactive views, drilling down as needed to supporting information.
Choose from a wide variety of preconfigured financial statements or build your own custom statements using the flexible reporting tools.
Use unlimited budgets and forecasts for inquiry and reporting; create revised budgets and forecasts at any time and compare your actual results to the original budget, the revised budget or both.
Print financial statements and other reports for all of the years for which you’ve saved history.
Import or copy transactions from Excel, where you can enter and/or modify the numbers until you’re satisfied with them.
Store posting logs in files or print them.
Create budgets based on percentages, dollar amounts or allocations.
Copy from previous budgets.
Archive journal entries in separate tables for performance improvement.
Keep multiple years open during transaction entry and posting functions.
Copy chart of accounts from department to department and from company to company
Want to learn more about howour industrial manufacturing ERP, Aptean Industrial Manufacturing ERP Traverse Edition, can help your business? Contact us today to chat with one of our experts or schedule a demo.
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