How Aptean is Serving Our Customers During COVID-19
How Aptean is Serving Our Customers During COVID-19
How Aptean is Serving Our Customers During COVID-19
May 18, 2020
Aptean Staff Writer
As we approach mid-May, it’s become clear that the global COVID-19 pandemic will be neither short-lived nor limited in either its impact on industries or economies. For many businesses, operations have changed significantly, with no return to normal in sight. Recognizing that, I want to take the opportunity to share openly what we at Aptean are doing to ensure a healthy and engaged employee body, strong business operations, and a continued ability to provide outstanding service levels.
First and foremost, the health and safety of our employees, customers and partners, has been, and will remain, our highest priority. Since March, we have been operating in a largely virtual manner, with all but essential work being conducted remotely, in line with local and country regulations around the world. I’m pleased to tell you that employee engagement remains high and our teams continue to collaborate on product innovation and customer service, support and upgrades, even while remote.
Not only are we prioritizing the safety of our employees, but we are also focused on helping you continue to manage your business effectively and efficiently during this unusual time. We are offering extended short-term license programs, cloud migrations, and remote installations respectively for you to take advantage of through your account teams. We are finding and implementing new ways to offer virtual webinars and training to better support you and help you better adapt to changes in your supply chain, demand function, and/or employee levels during the pandemic. I’m proud of how Aptean employees have been able to creatively and agilely adapt in order to continue to serve you and your businesses. We are very thankful to be in a position to perform strong business continuity, steady operations, and the ability to scale on demand in today’s unpredictable climate.
I want you to know that Aptean’s business is strong and stable. In looking to the future, we recognize that despite the success of our remote service and support efforts, our customers will continue to have some needs for onsite services, therefore we are working to ensure that when we resume in-person collaboration, it is safe both for your employees and ours to do so. In the coming weeks, we will offer safety protocols to help guide these interactions in a mutually agreeable way. We look forward to launching projects with you when the time is right, and in the meantime, are very proud to provide remote implementation, services and other support to address your immediate needs.
As has always been the case, Aptean will continue to advise you of any important service notifications via your standard account contacts and communication channels. If you have questions or concerns regarding COVID-19, please channel those through your existing Account Management or Support teams.
At Aptean, we understand that “business as usual” is a term of the past as all businesses are in unique circumstances. We also understand what it takes to help your business and operations run smoothly, efficiently and without interruption—and we are here to support you in the unique, rapidly changing demands of today’s business environment.
We are proud to be able to serve you now and in the future. We will come out of this stronger, together.
Best wishes for good health and safety,
TVN Reddy CEO of Aptean
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